Return Policy

Our mission is simple, to provide a convenient, easy-to-use, and affordable time clock solution for our customers. Ā If you are unsatisfied for any reason, please contact us and we’ll be glad toĀ assist you with any problems you may be experiencing with our products or service. Ā Please take a moment to review our return policy for orders placed with us.

Product Returns:

Product returns in original, unopened packaging will incur a 25% restocking fee. Ā Open-box and/or used equipment will incur a 50% restocking fee. Ā All eligible products must be returned within 10 working days of receipt.

Cancellation of Service:

Subscriptions to our PISTime Time & Attendance Software are contract free and may be cancelled at any time. Subscriptions for the service are billed monthly and no refunds will be given for periods already charged. Ā Subscriptions may be cancelled without prior authorization at the My Account page. Upon cancellation, all access to the PISTime service will be immediately terminated.

How to request a return authorization or contact us for assistance:

Use our simple contact form if your expectations are not met for any reason. Ā Please provide your order information and a brief description of any issues you may be experiencing and a member of our staff will contact you as soon as possible.